Children's Ministry (Pre-K through 5th grade)
Our children are a huge and vitally important part of the Kingdom of God and we want to help our children grow in their relationship with Jesus and in their role in the Kingdom of God!
We offer classes for youth ranging from Pre-K to 5th grade, both on Sunday mornings in Sunday school and Wednesday evenings at Youth Night!

Youth Night!
Youth night is an awesome opportunity for our youth to get age appropriate lessons from the Word of God, to be a part of ministry opportunities (learning songs, dances, puppet ministry, drama, etc), to have fun with other kids their age and have a delicious snack too!
We offer the following classes for our younger children: Pre-K and K, 1st grade through 3rd grade and 4th grade through 5th grade!
It's a night of Jesus, friends and fun! Come join us Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm!
You can also follow our youth events and get updates from our Youth Pastors and Leaders on our Facebook Group Page:
On the third Wednesday of each month, our youth perform in the main sanctuary during our Wednesday night service! This is a great opportunity for our youth to start learning how to work in ministry and serve in the church!

Church Choir
Each month, the kids learn new songs
with Mrs. Hope Fluty and other members of the church!
Then, on the third Wedndesday of each month, they perform their songs for the church!

Upcoming Events: